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What to Do, Car Key Stuck in Ignition

Emergency Redan Locksmith

When a car key gets stuck in the ignition, it can cause a lot of panic and worry, not only because you cannot extract the key but also because it delays access to your vehicle, especially if it is your only method or means to commute to work. Because of that, a mistake quite a few individuals make is that they will try to jiggle the car key around forcefully, which might end up causing the key to get further lodged in and harder to take out, also causing additional damage in the process. If there is one thing you should do in such an instance, it is that if it is stuck, leave it inside and call a professional if you do not know how to proceed. You want to make sure that damage is minimal and, if the key and not the ignition is the problem, the ignition stays in good condition in such a circumstance. There are other steps you can try, too.

You can call professionals at Redan Reliable Locksmith in Redan, GA if you find yourself in a sticky situation like this and do not know how to proceed at all – that is, if you’re in our service area. If not, keep reading for advice!

Worn Out Ignition/Damaged Key

You might find that years of use is the only reason why your car keys have gotten stuck in the ignition, and that can be due to a damaged key or a worn out ignition, but there can be other reasons why this has happened. There are certain things you can do in order to assess the situation and proceed as required, making sure to approach each situation carefully to reduce damage and save money.

Sometimes, when the ignition has not been turned off completely, you might find that keys are hard to extract. Even if the car is not fully turned on, even if the engine is on, the key does not come out, hence, it gets “stuck.” In order to make sure that the ignition is turned off and that is the reason why your car key is stuck, turn off the ignition completely by turning the key anti-clockwise, and if it moves in that direction, it means that your ignition was on and that was why the key was not coming out. This is a simple solution for a simple problem.

Locked Wheel

If that was not the case, however, then you need to continue to test the key and ignition to figure out the cause of the problem. A locked steering wheel can also often cause a key to get stuck where it does not turn in the ignition to start the car. In other cases, when the ignition is turned off, the steering wheel can get locked and the key also gets stuck. In order to determine if that is why the key is stuck in the ignition cylinder, gently turn the key in the ignition, simultaneously turning the steering wheel back and forth. Continue to do that a few times, and if the steering wheel comes loose, the key will also move freely in the ignition. However, if your key is still stuck in the ignition, it is time to move on to the next step.

Ignition Damage

In some instances, an undamaged new key can get stuck in an ignition and that is usually because of ignition damage. The ignition cylinder may be the root cause but this is usually hard to tell instantly because the key is stuck inside and the cylinder cannot be examined. You might break your key in the ignition or a fragment of the key might come out, and you may attribute that to a damaged key, even though that may not be the case. It is usually ignition damage that causes further damage to the key when it is inserted inside the cylinder. The reason why the key got stuck may be hard to detect in such instances because the ignition is the root cause, and in such a situation, it is always better to contact a professional so that they can take a look and further assess why your key got stuck or came out half broken. Do not force the key out or move it inside the ignition as that may only cause more damage, which is why relying on a professional in such a case is always a good idea.


It may sound impossible but dirt, dust, and grime in the ignition cylinder can also cause car keys to get stuck. Ignition cylinders are not a top priority when it comes to vehicle maintenance and this aspect can be overlooked. As a result, the key does not go in and out of the ignition smoothly or gets stuck altogether. WD-40 for such instances is great. All you have to do is lubricate the stuck key and it should slide out. However, asking for advice from a professional locksmith for the best lubricant is also always a good idea. If your key slides out, it probably means that your ignition cylinder needs a thorough cleaning. Include that in your car maintenance routine and your key will never get stuck in your ignition because of build-up of dirt and grime.

If nothing works, a damaged key or ignition is most likely why your car key is stuck in the ignition and it would be best to seek professional help. Some things to keep in mind include: do not use force on your key as that may damage the key and ignition further, causing you to pay higher costs for damage repair; patience is key as you test out each method to determine the root cause of the problem, so go slow and be thorough; do not stress out since a stuck key might be the cause of a simple problem like a stuck steering wheel or a powered ignition. If you are in a rush and need instant access to your vehicle, call a locksmith service like ours that offers emergency services and we will rectify your problem.