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The Advantages of a Keyless Entry

Redan Locksmith

If you have ever visited a hospital, government business, university or any other large business establishment then you have likely used a keyless entry system. These are high-tech security features that can quickly get people in and out, all the while monitoring who they are and where they go when inside your business. They are extremely adaptable, to suit the needs of the owners. Keyless entry systems are so popular that you’ll even find them on newer model vehicles.

There are a variety of advantages for choosing to have this type of system installed. Many of our customers come to our locksmiths at Redan Reliable Locksmith in Redan, GA because they are already familiar with the many advantages that this type of system offers. Perhaps they don’t like carrying around a bunch of keys or they may not want to put themselves in jeopardy by leaving a spare key somewhere on their property. Perhaps they have see a lot of visitors and simply want an easy and efficient way of quickly getting them in and out. Perhaps someone who is no longer trustworthy has a key and rather than changing the lock, you have decided to take the plunge and simply have an access control system installed instead.

As a business owner, you might be interested in finding out a way to prevent burglary. Access control systems are the most secure form of security that any business can have. Our locksmiths often recommend this to businesses, big and small because they know just how instrumental they are in keeping intruders out. They also serve to protect your employees from unauthorized entry thus protecting them from harm. There is no doubt about it; a keyless entry system is definitely worth the money.

Here are some other advantages of having a keyless entry installed:

Ease of Use and Installation

The invention of the keyless entry is remarkable. They are easy to use and to install, since they operate as a standalone unit that doesn’t even require any type of wiring. Both for commercial and residential use, a keypad can be installed and fitted right over the standard doorknob and even deadbolt lock. It’s easier to change the passcode than it is to have the locks changed. Even if you should happen to forget your passcode most keyless systems come with a passkey that will enable you to unlock the locking mechanism. It also offers a peace-of-mind in knowing that no matter what, you will be able to gain access.

Better Security and Safety

If you are prone to losing your keys then a keyless entry is the best way to avoid this from happening. When you lose your keys then it is possible that someone else could find them and break into your home. With a keyless entry this possibility is minimized. With a keyless entry, you are able to get inside your home or business with ease. Nobody can duplicate a key since there is no key needed with a keyless system. You are capable of restricting access to any place you do not want others to have access to thus adding to your level of security.

When it comes to your vehicle security, this type of system proves effective in avoiding theft. Car thieves are not able to infiltrate a keyless system. They would have an extremely difficult time trying to figure out the code to gain access, as they are designed to prevent this from happening. Advances in technology have really made things more secure. A keyless entry can help improve the security for your home, vehicles and business.

Reliability and Durability

The keyless entry system offers those who have them both reliability and convenience. You’re able to access your system remotely, giving you the convenience of being somewhere else and unlocking the door. This option is available for businesses, homes and vehicles. You’re able to protect your property from wherever you are.

Keyless entry systems are durable. They are designed to withstand water and are made to holdup against the worst weather conditions. Most keyless systems have a very long battery life, which means you can expect them to work when you need them to work. The remotes used for you keyless entry use lithium-ion battery cells that will last for up to five years.

DIY or Locksmith

Whenever it is time to purchase and install your keyless entry, you may be considering doing this yourself. However, we would recommend that you contact our locksmiths at Redan Reliable Locksmith to handle this for you. A DIY project is fine for some things but when it comes to your safety and security, this is really something that is best left to our experts. No doubt you are investing in this type of system because you are interested in the level of security that it affords you. If this is the case then make sure that it is properly installed and programmed by relying on a qualified locksmith to handle the job for you.

You’re able to get help in determining which type of keyless entry will be a good choice for you. They are able to find something that is within your price range that will also suit your needs. There is a lot to learn about the keyless entry system that a locksmith is capable of teaching you about. You can take full advantage of their knowledge and expertise by consulting with them about your keyless entry system. Whether it is for your home, vehicle or business, we assure you that one of our locksmiths will be able to provide you with the information needed in order for you to make a well-informed decision.

Even if you don’t go with our services, it would be in your best interest to do your research to find out what you would be getting for the money. A trusted locksmith will also be able to answer any of your questions or concerns before you make the leap.